Date(s) - 03/02/2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
This six-week series, based on Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way explores ways to deepen one’s relationship with self, God, and neighbor. Participants learn to unlock the creative energies needed to nurture and enhance life, thereby opening the path to greater spiritual growth. This series includes input, discussion, and written exercises and is open to anyone seeking empowerment over the obstacles preventing them from living authentically. Meets the Monday mornings of Lent. March 2 -April 6. Attend one, a few, or all. Fee: $125 for full series, or $25 per session
Facilitator: Fr. Michael Jennrich, OFM has served in a variety of ministries throughout the United States, including street ministry, retreat work, parish work, campus ministry, and hospice chaplaincy. Currently an itinerant preacher, he uses his gifts to accompany others on their journey to self-discovery.
We begin by initiating our creative recovery. We may feel both giddy and defiant, hopeful and skeptical. The aim is to allow ourselves to establish a sense of safety, which will enable us to explore our creativity with less fear. Next, we address self-definition as a major component of creative recovery. We may find ourselves drawing new boundaries and staking out new territories as our personal needs, desires, and interests announce themselves. Our aim here, is to move into a personal identity, a self-defined self.