Date(s) - 02/24/2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
During Lent this year we will be hearing the three classic Gospel stories from the Gospel of John: The Woman at the Well [Jn 4], The Man Born Blind [Jn 9] and the Raising of Lazarus [Jn 11]. These stories are really our story and they allow us to make a deep connection with THE story of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Morning of Recollection will prepare us well for the upcoming Sundays of Lent. Fee: $25
Facilitator: Fr. Ed Shea, OFM lives and works out of St. Peter’s in the Loop. A Franciscan priest who loves to sing and tell stories (as you will see and hear), Father Ed finds delight through celebrating the sacraments of our Church. He is a retreat director/preacher who has a creative and lively way of bringing the characters of Scripture to life.